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Thursday, May 27, 2010


1. California has issued at least 6 drivers licenses to people named Jesus Christ.

2. Kangaroos can not walk backwards.

3. 'Jedi' is an official religion, with over 70,000 followers, in Australia.

4. According to a recent survey, more than half of British adults have had sex in a public place!

5. Most alcoholic beverages contain all 13 minerals necessary to sustain human life.

6. Nachos is the food most craved by pregnant women.

7. Each year, 24,000 Americans are bitten by rats!

8. Most dreams last only 5 to 20 minutes.

9. The hair of an adult man or woman can stretch 25 percent of its length without breaking.

10. On average, the life span of an American dollar bill is eighteen months.

11. Non-dairy creamer is flammable.

12. The first domain name ever registered was Symbolics.com.

13. Americans collectively eat one hundred pounds of chocolate every second.

14. U.S. President Calvin Coolidge liked to eat breakfast while having his head rubbed with Vaseline.

15. When a giraffe's baby is born it falls from a height of six feet, normally without being hurt.

16. Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.

17. The creator of the NIKE Swoosh symbol was paid only $35 for the design.

18. How does a shark find fish? It can hear their hearts beating.

19. Penguins can convert salt water into fresh water.

20. In ten minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all the world's nuclear weapons combined!

Facts and oddities of the English language
The longest word in standard English dictionaries is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis at 45 letters long.

The longest English word that does not contain the letter 'e' is floccinaucinihilipilification at 29 letters.

Cabbaged and fabaceae, each 8 letters long, are the longest words that can be played on a musical instrument.

Aegilops, 8 letters long, is the longest word with its letters arranged in alphabetical order.

Spoonfed, 9 letters long, is the longest word with its letters arranged in reverse alphabetical order.

CIMICIC and CIMICID, each 7 letters long, are the longest words that are exclusively made up of Roman numerals when written in upper case. Among words consisting of only Roman numeral letters, the "highest scoring" are MIMIC (2,102) and IMMIX (2,012).

Overnumerousnesses, 18 letters long, is the longest word that consists of only letters that lack ascenders, descenders and dots in lower case.

Lighttight and hillypilly, each 10 letters long, are the longest words consisting only of letters with ascenders, descenders and dots in lower case.

Tittifill, 9 letters long, is the longest word consisting only of letters with ascenders or dots in lower case.

Honorificabilitudinitatibus, 27 letters long, is the longest word consisting strictly of alternating consonents and vowels.

Dermatoglyphics, misconjugatedly and uncopyrightable , each 15 letters long, are the longest words in which no letter appears more than once.

Unprosperousness, 16 letters long, is the longest word in which each letter occurs at least twice.

Esophagographers, 16 letter long, is the longest word in which each of its letters occurs twice.

Discrete - discreet is the longest homophonic anagram (2 similarly pronounced words that are spelled differently but sound the same and are composed of the same letters).

Redivider is the longest common palindromic word ( a word reading the same backwards and forwards).

The longest words that are reverse images of each other are stressed and desserts

All the planets in our solar system rotate anticlockwise, except Venus. It is the only planet that rotates clockwise.

Hummingbirds are the only animal that can also fly backwards.

Insects do not make noises with their voices. The noise of bees, mosquitoes and other buzzing insects is caused by rapidly moving their wings.

The cockroach is the fastest animal on 6 legs covering a meter a second.

The word "listen" contains the same letters as the word "silent".

The only 2 animals that can see behind itself without turning it's head are the rabbit and the parrot.

A zebra is white with black stripes.

The whip makes a cracking sound because its tip moves faster than the speed of sound.

A hippopotamus can run faster than a man.

It is impossible to lic k your elbow. ( I know you gonna try this !!! )

A snail can sleep for 3 years.

The names of the continents all end with the same letter with which they start.

In 1883 the explosion of the volcano Krakatoa put so much dust into the earth's atmosphere that sunsets appeared green and the moon appeared blue around the world for almost two years.

"Almost" is the longest word in the English language with all the letters in alphabetical order.

Twenty-Four- Karat Gold is not pure gold since there is a small amount of copper in it. Absolutely pure gold is so soft that it can be molded with the hands.

Some Strange Laws
In Kentucky, it's the law that a person must take a bath once a year.

In Utah, birds have the right of way on any public highway.

In Ohio, one must have a license to keep a bear.

In Tennessee, a law exists which prohibits the sale of bologna (sandwich meat) on Sunday.

In Virginia, the Code of 1930 has a statute which prohibits corrupt practices or bribery by any person other than political candidates.

In Providence, Rhode Island, it is against the law to jump off a bridge.

In the State of Kansas, you're not allowed to drive a buffalo through a street.

In Florida, it is against the law to put livestock on a school bus.

In New Jersey, cabbage can't be sold on Sunday.

In Galveston, Texas, it is illegal to have a camel run loose in the street!

In North Carolina, it is against the law for dogs and cats to fight.

In Singapore, it is illegal to chew gum.

In Cleveland, Ohio, it is unlawful to leave chewing gum in public places.

In Virginia, chickens cannot lay eggs before 8:00 a.m., and must be done before 4:00 p.m.

In New York, it is against the law for children to pick up or collect cigarette and cigar butts.

In Massachusetts, it is against the law to put tomatos in clam chowder.

In Washington State, you can't carry a concealed weapon that is over 6 feet in length.

In San Francisco, there is an ordinance, which bans the picking up and throwing of used confetti.

In Kentucky, it is illegal for a merchant to force a person into his place of business for the purpose of making a sale.

It is against the law in Connecticut for a man to write love letters to a girl whose mother or father has forbidden the relationship.

In Michigan, married couples must live together or be imprisoned.

In the state of Colorado, a pet cat, if loose, must have a tail-light !

In Phoenix, Arizona, you can't walk through a hotel lobby with spurs on.

In California, a law created in 1925 makes it illegal to wiggle while dancing.

In Utah, daylight must be visible between dancing couples.

In Michigan, it is against the law for a lady to lift her skirt more than 6 inches while walking through a mud puddle.

In North Carolina, it is against the law for a rabbit to race down the street.

In Georgia, it's against the law to spread a false rumor.

In West Virginia, one can't cook sauerkraut or cabbage due to the odors and the offence is subject to imprisonment.

In Missouri, a man must have a permit to shave.

The law states that more than 3000 sheep cannot be herded down Hollywood Blvd. at any one time.

In Texas, it is still a "hanging offense" to steal cattle.


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::: Pendrive मा Background Wallpaper हाल्नुहोस्::
तपाईंहरु सामु एउटा Trick को बारे लेख्दैछु जुन Trick को मद्घतले तपाईंले आफ्नो Pendrive मा Background Wallpaper हाल्नसक्नु हुनेछ । तरिका simple छ, १) सबैभन्दा पहिला Background राख्नु पर्ने इमेज छान्नुहोस् र सजिलोको लागि त्यसलाई कपि गरेर desktop मा पेस्ट गर्नुहोस् । २) तल लेखिएको code लाई copy गर्नुहोस् र notepad मा paste गरेर “desktop.ini” नाम दिएर सजिलोको लागि desktop को location दिएर save गर्नुहोस् । [.ShellClassInfo] IconFile=%SystemRoot%system32SHELL32.dll IconIndex=127 ConfirmFileOp=0 [{BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC}] Attributes=1 IconArea_Image=”YourPictureName.jpg” IconArea_Text=”0xFFFFFF” VeBRA sources – don’t delete the tag above, it’s there for XXXXX purposes – [ExtShellFolderViews] {BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC}={BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC} {5984FFE0-28D4-11CF-AE66-08002B2E1262}={5984FFE0-28D4-11CF-AE66-08002B2E1262} [{5984FFE0-28D4-11CF-AE66-08002B2E1262}] PersistMoniker=Folder.htt PersistMonikerPreview=%WebDir%folder.bmp ३) जहाँ “YourPictureName.jpg” लेखिएको छ त्यसको ठाउमा Background राख्नु पर्ने इमेजको नाम लेख्नुहोस् । जस्तै : “kyamazza.jpg” ४) अब उक्त इमेज र तपाईंले save गर्नु भएको desktop.ini फाइललाई कपि गरेर तपाईंको pendrive मा पेस्ट गर्नुहोस् । ५) उक्त दुबै फाइललाई राईट क्लिक गरेर properties मा गएर Hidden गरिदिनुहोस् । ६) Refresh गर्नुहोस्, तपाईंको Background Wallpaper सेट हुनेछ । ७) तपाईंले यही Trick लाई आफ्नो कम्प्युटरको Drive C,D,E मा पनि प्रयोग गरेर हेर्नुस्:

Edit any website you want

Date: 26 Aug 2008/ Views: 2308 / Comments: 4

This is a java script which allows u to edit any website........ change every text in the website.... but not save it!!!!!

1. Go to any website

2. Paste the below code in the address bar of your browser


javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

Note: You can edit the website , but you cannot save it.. its just for fun and nothing more than that.

You can connect your facebook easily!!

Who says birds don't have feelings....

Millions of people cried after watching this picture in America and Europe and even in Asia . It is said that the photographer sold these pictures for a nominal fee to the
most famous newspaper in France . All copies of that newspaper were sold out on the day these pictures were published.

And many people think animals don't have a brain or feelings?????

This is truly amazing & very touching.............

Here his wife is injured and the condition is fatal. She was hit by a car as she swooped low across the road.

Here he brought her food and attended to her with love and compassion.

He brought her food again but was shocked to find her dead.

He tried to move her....a rarely-seen effort for sparrows!

Aware that his sweetheart is dead and will never come back to him again, he cries with adoring love.

He stood beside her, saddened of her death.

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