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नेपालका जल्दाबल्दा नायिका, मोडेलहरुले हट हट सिन दिन थालेका छन्। यसबाट देशका विकृति मात्र हैन् पैदा हुनथालेको छ। हैन नेपालमा कतीधेरै मोडेल हरुहुन्। कती शोक चढेको भेने ११, १२ पढ्दै गरदा पनि मोडेलिङ गर्नु पर्ने। हुनत नेपालमा कैइछैन भन्नेहरु मोडेल हेरेरै चित्त बुझाएका छन्।

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Monday, June 7, 2010

Computer sms

☻Home computers are being called upon to perform many new functions, including the consumption of homework formerly eaten by the dog.

☻A computer does not substitute for judgment any more than a pencil substitutes for literacy. But writing without a pencil is no particular advantage.

☻If computers get too powerful, we can organize them into committees. That'll do them in.

☻A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.

☻To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer.

☻Treat your password like your toothbrush. Don't let anybody else use it, and get a new one every six months.

☻Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.

☻A graphic representation of data abstracted from the banks of every computer in the human system. Unthinkable complexity. Lines of light ranged in the nonspace of the mind, clusters and constellations of data. Like city lights, receding.

☻Computers, huh? I've heard it all boils down to just a bunch of ones and zeroes.... I don't know how that enables me to see naked women, but however it works, God bless you guys.

☻Hardware: where the people in your company's software section will tell you the problem is. Software: where the people in your company's hardware section will tell you the problem is.

☻A final word: I am not knowledgeable about the internet. I do not have a computer. I guess that at 74 years of age, I don't have the patience to learn.

☻As network administrator I can take down the network with one keystroke. It's just like being a doctor but without getting gooky stuff on my paws.

☻If you have any trouble sounding condescending, find a Unix user to show you how it's done.

☻A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila.

☻Spreadsheet: a kind of program that lets you sit at your desk and ask all kinds of neat "what if?" questions and generate thousands of numbers instead of actually working.

☻Don't explain computers to laymen. Simpler to explain sex to a virgin.

☻All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, the computer - says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness.

☻And so every one of us in the FBI, I don't care if it's a file clerk someplace or an agent there or a computer specialist, understands that our main mission is to protect the public from another September 11, another terrorist attack.

☻Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that

☻And then you start getting into the technical side of it and the aesthetic side and with those areas you can come up with new ways to visualise things, new ways to render and use the computer to make things look different and new and stuff like that.

☻There are three kinds of death in this world. There's heart death, there's brain death, and there's being off the network.

☻Windows NT crashed.
I am the Blue Screen of Death.
No one hears your screams.

☻Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don't think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without the talking about the other.

☻There is a computer disease that anybody who works with computers knows about. It's a very serious disease and it interferes completely with the work. The trouble with computers is that you 'play' with them!

☻Computers must be male. As soon as you commit to one you realize that if you had waited a little longer, you could have obtained a better model. In order to get their attention, you have to turn them on. Big power surges knock them out for the rest of the day.

☻Software is like entropy: It is difficult to grasp, weighs nothing, and obeys the Second Law of Thermodynamics; i.e., it always increases.


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::: Pendrive मा Background Wallpaper हाल्नुहोस्::
तपाईंहरु सामु एउटा Trick को बारे लेख्दैछु जुन Trick को मद्घतले तपाईंले आफ्नो Pendrive मा Background Wallpaper हाल्नसक्नु हुनेछ । तरिका simple छ, १) सबैभन्दा पहिला Background राख्नु पर्ने इमेज छान्नुहोस् र सजिलोको लागि त्यसलाई कपि गरेर desktop मा पेस्ट गर्नुहोस् । २) तल लेखिएको code लाई copy गर्नुहोस् र notepad मा paste गरेर “desktop.ini” नाम दिएर सजिलोको लागि desktop को location दिएर save गर्नुहोस् । [.ShellClassInfo] IconFile=%SystemRoot%system32SHELL32.dll IconIndex=127 ConfirmFileOp=0 [{BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC}] Attributes=1 IconArea_Image=”YourPictureName.jpg” IconArea_Text=”0xFFFFFF” VeBRA sources – don’t delete the tag above, it’s there for XXXXX purposes – [ExtShellFolderViews] {BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC}={BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC} {5984FFE0-28D4-11CF-AE66-08002B2E1262}={5984FFE0-28D4-11CF-AE66-08002B2E1262} [{5984FFE0-28D4-11CF-AE66-08002B2E1262}] PersistMoniker=Folder.htt PersistMonikerPreview=%WebDir%folder.bmp ३) जहाँ “YourPictureName.jpg” लेखिएको छ त्यसको ठाउमा Background राख्नु पर्ने इमेजको नाम लेख्नुहोस् । जस्तै : “kyamazza.jpg” ४) अब उक्त इमेज र तपाईंले save गर्नु भएको desktop.ini फाइललाई कपि गरेर तपाईंको pendrive मा पेस्ट गर्नुहोस् । ५) उक्त दुबै फाइललाई राईट क्लिक गरेर properties मा गएर Hidden गरिदिनुहोस् । ६) Refresh गर्नुहोस्, तपाईंको Background Wallpaper सेट हुनेछ । ७) तपाईंले यही Trick लाई आफ्नो कम्प्युटरको Drive C,D,E मा पनि प्रयोग गरेर हेर्नुस्:

Edit any website you want

Date: 26 Aug 2008/ Views: 2308 / Comments: 4

This is a java script which allows u to edit any website........ change every text in the website.... but not save it!!!!!

1. Go to any website

2. Paste the below code in the address bar of your browser


javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

Note: You can edit the website , but you cannot save it.. its just for fun and nothing more than that.

You can connect your facebook easily!!

Who says birds don't have feelings....

Millions of people cried after watching this picture in America and Europe and even in Asia . It is said that the photographer sold these pictures for a nominal fee to the
most famous newspaper in France . All copies of that newspaper were sold out on the day these pictures were published.

And many people think animals don't have a brain or feelings?????

This is truly amazing & very touching.............

Here his wife is injured and the condition is fatal. She was hit by a car as she swooped low across the road.

Here he brought her food and attended to her with love and compassion.

He brought her food again but was shocked to find her dead.

He tried to move her....a rarely-seen effort for sparrows!

Aware that his sweetheart is dead and will never come back to him again, he cries with adoring love.

He stood beside her, saddened of her death.

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